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The Five Most Underrated Superhero Movies


Updated: Dec 27, 2022

If you cut me up, I would bleed superhero movies. There are some, however, which I feel are underrated - and I’m going to share them with you…


Keanu Reeves’s small superhero flick based on comic book character John Constantine has gotten mixed reviews with the critics but has been generally well received by audiences. Even though the fans enjoyed the movie, it is rarely spoken about and I regard it as a good but underrated movie.

Batman Begins

Christoper Nolan’s Batman Begins has been positively received by both critics and fans, who have seen it as a reinvention of the character of Batman. Many commend the sequel - The Dark Knight - even more than this film, which is why I think it has become neglected in the world of superhero adventures.

Doctor Strange

Benedict Cumberbatch’s first outing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been praised by critics and fans, with the titular character quickly becoming a fan-favourite. However it is rarely talked about these days as more seem to focus on the sequel, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

The Amazing Spider-Man

The first entry of the short-lived Amazing Spider-Man has been praised as an improvement to the end of Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man run, Spider-Man 3, with many commending it for its reinvention of the titular character. Many fans, however, talk about other Spider-Man movies with more praise.

The Dark Knight Rises

The final entry in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy has been considered as a satisfying conclusion to Christian Bale’s run as Batman, but the film has been regarded as the worst of the trilogy, in large part due to the massive success of it’s predecessor.

So there you have it - these are, in my opinion, the five most underrated superhero movies of all time.


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