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Behavioural Analysis and Criminal Profiling


The concept of Behavioural Analysis is still relatively new and unheard of in terms of its usage - people are still struggling to believe in its effectiveness. However, this new science has repeatedly proven useful for law enforcement organisations such as the FBI in finding the true perpetrators of crimes.

The process of behavioural analysis is simple: the first step is to gather information from the crime scene to help construct an impression of the offender. Most notably, detectives will characterise crime scenes based on whether the suspect is an organised or disorganised offender. This is, in fact, one of the most important features of profiling and makes it much easier for law enforcement to identify and capture suspects, proving why the psychology of behavioural analysis is much more effective than people give it credit for.

Most notably, behavioural analysis is seen in the FBI through their Behavioural Analysis Unit, which helps local law enforcement catch criminals they may not have even suspected. It is quite different from traditional methods of policing but the results are more dependable as forensic countermeasures, like bleaching a crime scene, can be used to cover up tracks, but criminal profiling tells profilers that this offender is criminally sophisticated and experienced, making him an organised offender. This provides a set of noticeable characteristics that can be given to the public to help identify the culprit.

This reduces the chance of people being falsely accused and wrongly convicted. It may be seen as unreliable, but what most people fail to take into account is that the research indicates that it is a lot more effective than just processing DNA and fingerprints – it helps law enforcement understand what kind of criminal they are dealing with, allowing for easier arrests.

Although it is not a widespread tool yet, raising awareness to the psychology and science behind criminal profiling creates more interest, which will allow it to become much more normalised in law and used to its full effectiveness.


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